
Beat the Bite and Enjoy a Swat-free Summer

Protect yourself from dangerous mosquitos and ticks!

With the good weather comes the irritating reality of bug season. Sadly, mosquitoes and ticks can be much more than just irritating outdoor party-crashers. Mosquito borne illnesses are actually quite  common and can be very dangerous, including the West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, and other diseases. Tick-borne diseases affect tens of thousands of Americans each year, with the most serious being Lyme disease.

So how do you protect yourself and your family against these irritating and dangerous bugs when they seem to be everywhere? Here are some tips to make your time outdoors safer and more enjoyable.

  • Use a repellent. Make sure to read labels and follow instructions—and do not use products with OLE or PMD on children under three years old.
  • Cover strollers and baby carriers with mosquito netting
  • Dress yourself and your children in clothing that covers the arms and legs.
  • Control the mosquito population in your yard by eliminating standing water, even small amounts in toys or on playground equipment are a breeding ground—literally—for mosquitoes to lay their eggs.
  • Make sure your screens are in good working order.
  • When hiking in a grassy, bushy, or wooded area, treat clothing and gear with products containing .05% permethrin. Also treat clothing, footwear, and camping equipment.
  • When you come inside, check your clothing for ticks and take a shower. Showering has been shown to reduce the risk of getting Lyme disease.
  • Check your body and your children for ticks.
  • Keep your pets safe —check them from the dangerous hitchhiking biters.  

Although there are certainly reasons to be cautious, don’t let bugs prevent you from going out to enjoy warmer weather this year. A few simple steps will go a long way to prevent illnesses and make summer fun a lot more happy — and a lot less slappy!

Posted in:  Health