
Fast Food Alternatives

Healthy Options At Restaurants and Home

When you’re running around town and the kids are becoming increasingly hangry, the path of least resistance always seems to be pulling up to the nearest drive-thru window. And, okay, it is. But that doesn’t mean you have to go for a greasy burger and a bag of fries. There are healthy alternatives, at fast food restaurants and in your own cupboard. Here are some of our favorites:

Purse Finds: The best defense is a good offense. So pack you purse or a car bag with treats including trail mix, wrapped cheese, nuts, and granola bars. Even PB&J holds up in the car pretty well. These can stave off cravings until you are home and able to make healthier choices.

Water: Keep water with you at all times so you won’t be tempted to cruise in for a Diet Coke the size of your head. Additionally, thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger, so staying hydrated will help you feel less hungry.

Making the Best of It: Resist temptation at fast food restaurants by ordering salads at burger joints, flatbread or lettuce instead of a lot of bread for your sub sandwich, and steamed veggies at Chinese places. Go for grilled chicken over fried and skip the biscuits if you’re at a chicken joint. If there are a lot of options, try to choose Mexican or Mexican-inspired fast food places, as they tend to have fresher, healthier options.

Just Say No: Just because it’s a good value for your wallet doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Order a la carte to avoid the temptation of French Fries—one of the worst things you can get at a fast food restaurant. Always go for water: Soda is laden with calories and sugar that you don’t need.

The struggle is real—and no one appreciates this more than busy working parents. But with a few tweaks to your routine and some planning ahead, you can avoid fast food’s particularly perilous grease traps.

Posted in:  Health